ABOUT US: Pet Therapy Love Boat MDW24

"The Altea's cats. Lamps, clocks, and furnishings shaped like felines. On display at the Fuorisalone, there are also the works of a 10-year-old girl, from Milan and passionate about design."

RAI3-TG Regione Lombardia April 19, 2024




"On the Naviglio Grande, here are the big cats of Atelier Biagetti, which in collaboration with Altea, has launched the Pet Therapy Love Boat project, to present the series of Birba lamps, which can only be customized during the design week."

SKY tg24 April 18, 2024





"In 2023, Atelier Biagetti + Altea took center stage with an installation - perhaps the most photographed one - at University Statale; this year, the spotlight has shifted to the Navigli, where a Boat will be docked until April 21st, at Ripa di Porta Ticinese 61. The special boat docked on the Navigli is considered by Altea as part of a broader Pet Therapy project, aimed at reliving that sense of childish wonder, characterized by boundless joy and enthusiasm, which all too often we forget."

Il Sole 24 Ore April 16, 2024



"On the Naviglio, Atelier Biagetti's aquatic installation Pet Therapy is a must-visit for lovers of furry pets. A long-awaited return presented with a very instagrammable set, featuring colorful palms and details balancing between reality and the metaverse."

Corriere della Sera-Living April 16, 2024




"On the Naviglio Grande. The Pet Therapy Love Boat installation for the Fuorisalone on the Barcone of Milan, where events will be organized as part of the third edition of 'Canale a Colori'."

Corriere della Sera April 14, 2024

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