Pet Therapy
ABOUT US: Pet Therapy Love Boat MDW24
Pet Therapy LOVE BOAT: about us on RAI, Corriere della Sera, Sky tg24, Il Sole 24 ore... -
The hand painted cat eyes
Only during Milano Design Week, attendees had the unique opportunity to personalize and buied their very own cat sculpture with hand pai... -
Pet Therapy LOVE BOAT will land on the Naviglio during Milan Design Week 2024
The “LOVE BOAT” will land on the NAVIGLIO during Design Week 2024 - Atelier Biagetti’s latest aquatic Pet Therapy installation is the new home to... -
Design Reimagined at Milan Fair
Creature Comforts Partners in work and life, Alberto Biagetti and Laura Baldassari of Atelier Biagetti, have produced ironic, tongue-in-cheek insta... -
Playfulness is a Serious Business
“We are tired of designing chairs and tables. We can create things that don’t exist, like giant cats to be used as sofas.” Altea Biagetti With ... -
Pet Therapy arrives at Milan Design Week 2023
Pet Therapy revives that childish sense of wonder and enthusiasm that so many of us have forgotten. It plays on the mood-boosting benefits of the unconditional and reciprocal love of a furry four-legged friend, who turns the act of coming home into a joyous celebration of life - every single day.
The project will be presented with a site-specific installation inside Università Statale during the Milan Design Week 2023.
Press clippings: a compilation of articles about us
Atelier Biagetti’s large lunar cats have us feline good!